Supported by the World Health Organisation Alliance for Health Policy & Systems Research (AHPSR), 2017- 2021.
ZeipNET partnered the Ministry of Health and Child Care to institutionalise a rapid evidence synthesis platform in the Ministry that responds to urgent evidence needs of policy makers. The project enhanced the use of evidence by policy makers through capacity development across individual, institutional and systemic levels. The project produced a number of evidence products such as the National Health Insurance policy brief informing the National Health Insurance Bill currently tabled before Parliament. Other evidence products on COVID-19 responsive mechanisms include the evidence brief on the use of face masks by the general public as well as the national guidelines for institutional quarantine pertaining to COVID-19. The collaboration has continued to date with ZeipNET supporting the Ministry in various evidence synthesis activities across the Ministry departments, for instance the Policy Planning, Monitoring & Evaluation and Child Care. See the project impact summary here and lessons learnt from the ERAZ project here.