The Zimbabwe Evidence Informed Policy Network (ZeipNET) is celebrating 10 years working in partnership with the Parliament of Zimbabwe (PoZ). Currently, it is supporting the institutionalization of a rapid evidence synthesis platform under the Distilling and Availing Research Evidence for Parliament of Zimbabwe (DARE PoZ) project in partnership with IDinsight that will respond to urgent PoZ legislators' evidence needs. The following Book Chapter discusses the PoZ and explores the ways in which it's structures, systems and processes influence the use of evidence in policymaking, including the implications on governance.
About the author: Ronald Munatsi is the Director of the Zimbabwe Evidence Informed Policy Network (ZeipNET). ZeipNET works to interface evidence and policy through evidence synthesis initiatives, including institutional capacity building focusing on the interface between research and policy with an emphasis on strengthening capacities across individual, institutional and systemic levels.
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